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>vol。268 (1992); pp。 2142…45; and James W。 Winkelman; e t al。; “Cost Saving

in a Hospital Clinica l Laboratory with a Pay…for…Per formanc e Inc entive

Program for Supervisor s;” A rchive s of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine ;

vol。 115(1991) ; pp。 38…41。

2。 Stef fie Woolhanler and David U。 Himmelste in; “The Deter ior ating

Administra tive Efficiency of the U。S。 He alth Car e System;” New England

Journal of Medicine; vol。 324; no。18(1991); pp。1253…58。

3。 参见David Wessel and Walt Bogdanich; “Closed Market: Laws of

Economics Often Don’t Apply in Health…Ca re Field;” Wall Street Journal;

January 22; 1992; pp。 A1。

4。 Philip Caper;“Database Str ategies for the Management of Clinical

Dec ision Making;” New Per spe ctives in Health Care Economics (London:

Me idq Ltd。; 1991); pp。65。

5。 Roger A。 Reynolds; John A。 Rizzo; and Mar tin L。 Gonza le z; “The

Costs of Medical Professional Liability;” JAMA; vol。257(1987); pp。 2776

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